FRIDAY 02 SEPTEMBER 2022 [City Pharmacy Limited (CPL)]: Stop & Shop donates food rations under CPL Foundation’s Community Outreach Programme.
Leading supermarket brand, Stop & Shop, donated K4,000 worth of food rations to the Cheshire Disability Centre.
“As part of our Vision to help the people of Papua New Guinea live healthier and better lives, we are extending our support to the Cheshire Home with vegetables and meat supplies for a balanced and healthy meal every day for the residents,” said Ms Margret Jajar, SNS Badili Store Manager.
This is the third quarter donation to the organization, and it is part of long-term partnership created in 2019 with CPL Group’s community services arm of CPL Foundation.
In line with our core value of being responsible to our people, community, and our environment, we are proud of this partnership to continue.
“It has always come at the right time- when we need it the most.
Our organisation rehabilitates and in some instances reintegrate the residents, but at most times, our services are designed to be friendly to people with special abilities,” said Mr David Konga, Cheshire Disability Centre Representative, when expressing his gratitude.
There was a City Pharmacy team who had attended as well to provide a de-worming session to the special needs early learning education centre.